Uni(re)Cycle: Decreasing Waste Through Fun Behavioural Change

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70 percent of the waste in UvA and HvA campuses is brought in from outside sources. A team of trainees at Digital Society School tackled this problem by asking how can we inspire the students and staff to make more sustainable choices in regards to their waste production, without having their needs unfulfilled or unadjusted?



September 2020

Beste Karapirinler, Ladislav Unčovský, Lanie Preston, Emilio Lara Fernandez and Destiny Ogwuche looked at behavioural intervention theories and conducted extensive user research with guidance from Stephan Ackermans to come up with a digital solution that will facilitate individual behavioural change.


January 2021

Derived from their research, the team designed a mobile habit building app, Uni(re)Cycle. The iOS application is designed to motivate the users of UvA and HvA campuses to make sustainable choices about their waste production and overall environmental impact. It works by providing the user with challenges centered around sustainability – for example, packing lunches in reusable containers, rather than purchasing a packaged lunch. Once the challenges are completed, users earn points that can be traded for real rewards. Combined points also contribute to users’ place on the campus leader board, allowing users to compete with their friends. This gamification-based system utilizes evidence-based intervention strategies for behavioural change, such as nudges, triggers, goal setting, and competition.

The app is currently in development, being coded by a team of ICT students at HvA.



Students: Beste Karapirinler, Ladislav Unčovský, Lanie Preston, Emilio Lara Fernandez and Destiny Ogwuche

Duration: september 2020 till january 2021