CSR – Centrale Studentenraad / Central Student Council

Student Councils represent the interests of UvA students. They contribute to the debate on key issues such as educational quality, digitalisation, student well-being and mental health, student housing, social safety, diversity and inclusion and sustainability. The Central Student Council (CSR) represents the entire UvA. Furthermore, each faculty has its own Faculty Student Council (FSR). This means you get to vote twice.

The Central Student Council (CSR) gets involved with UvA-wide issues, such as student housing, the binding study advice (BSA), student well-being and mental health and course evaluations.

The CSR liaises with the Executive Board and has a statutory right of consent and to be consulted on a wide range of issues.

The right to be consulted means that the CSR must be consulted on certain decisions. The CSR responds by issuing an opinion. While this opinion is not binding, it must be factored into the decision-making process. The right of consent means that the CSR’s approval is required for policy to become legal and therefore binding.

The CSR consists of 14 members. Seven of these members are elected directly, while the other seven are delegated by the Faculty Student Councils. This allows the CSR and faculty student councils to liaise effectively and identify and address problems at an early stage.

Contact gegevens

Email: csr@uva.nl

Telefoon: +31 (0)20 525 3726

Adres: CREA, room 1.16
Nieuwe Achtergracht 170
1018 WV, Amsterdam

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